some point in 2018 - between SAW VIII [JIGSAW] and SAW X - legendary villain
Tobin Bell slipped off to Mexico to make this effective possession thriller.
He effectively plays dark priest, Vasilio Canetti, who is the spawn of
Satan embarking on a spree of child murders. The grisly killings are investigated
by special agent Emanuel Ritter (Joaqiun Cosio) who finds himself - quite
literally - on a path to Hell.
In reviews of this
film, website Bloody Disgusting claimed "One of the most imaginative
possession films in recent memory. If not of all time" while
Film School Rejects wrote: "A bloody, frightening, and exciting
thrill ride." Of course, for genre fans, this one is elevated
by the menacing performance from Tobin Bell, almost unrecognizable in
the full beard (see pic above right).
Mexican/Spanish film with English subtitles; widescreen, (114 minutes)
in DVD encoded for
ALL REGION NTSC, playable on any American DVD machine;
Extras include English
Language verson.
Graphic Violence/Youth
for Mature Audiences